1276 FM 49, Gilmer, TX 75644

Social Media Shout-Out

We want to make sure our following knows you’re coming!

The world revolves around social media. More and more businesses are running their entire business through all forms of social media. We want to make sure our following knows that you’re coming to our convention! Please provide us with as much information about your business as possible so when we shout you out, we can provide your booth number (which we have), your logo (which we also have), and a short blurb about what you do and how you can be reached! The more info you give us, the better your post will be. Please also, MAKE SURE, you provide us with your Facebook business page name or personal page so we can like your page and tag you in all posts you’re featured in leading up to The West Texas Oil & Gas Convention.

Social Media Shout-Out